Twitter is revolutionizing networking
Hello! I am Sofia Fanty! I am a sophomore at Stockton University. I currently am undecided regarding my major, but that should change over the course of my fall semester. I enjoy learning about world language and culture, veterinarian science, theatre production, video games, and mortuary sciences.
Creating an online Personal Learning Networks (PLN) is a new, modern way to network. In Ellen Lague's blog, she describes how she initially was not an active user on Twitter. She would simply lurk the site without content on her page. Since her first post, Lague has been able to interact with like-minded individuals through the social media platform. Hashtags, such as #saskedchat and #fslchat, allow people to create dialogue and build rapport between members of the community. She can participate in chats and finds new blogs to help expand the conversation.
Building a virtual PLN allows people to form connections with people who would not have been able to converse in person. Basically, a person becomes a part of your PLN when both parties decide to mutually follow each other. Creating a PLN can start when a person signs up on social media. Denver Fowler and John Riley of THE Journal mention a way to begin branching out is to follow at least ten professionals in the fields you work in or have interest in. It is important to follow at least ten because Twitter will then grant you access to Twitter chats. In a chat, a question is posed and members of the community can respond. Typically, a chat will correspond to a hashtag, so other users can filter their search and join the conversation.
Educators have noticed the benefits social media has with learning. An article on Virtual College exemplifies a real scenario regarding how Twitter was able to help create conversation and connect. Denise Richards (pictured below) of St. Julian's School in Newport, Wale, uses Twitter to ask for students' opinions on school policies and functions occurring on campus. Teachers and students alike are now able to access useful information and various learning opportunities at their convenience. Additionally, using modern technology to teach makes communication and discussion up to speed in our lightning speed world.
Prior to class, I have not thought of utilizing Twitter as a method to expand my networking. Now, I am learning how it can help me develop a PLN and expand my social connections. Twitter helps people to interact who would not have had an opportunity to in person. Hashtags are a convenient and easy way to advertise a community and gain traction on your page. Finding a niche community is possible! For example, there is a multitude of hashtags dedicated to discussing education. Social media has opened the door for new career opportunities! When we were discussing plans for future lessons in class, I was very nervous. However, I am beginning to have more confidence in my abilities to branch via the internet! As a person who tends to tense up in social situations, social media is a valuable resource.
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